In case of coleoptera jihad.

DHS: Statue of Liberty is not a vulnerable terrorism target, but an insect zoo is. The NYT writes that other places that made the list include “Old MacDonald’s Petting Zoo, the Amish Country Popcorn factory, the Mule Day Parade, the Sweetwater Flea Market and an unspecified ‘Beach at End of a Street.'”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “In case of coleoptera jihad.”

  1. Just as I saw this blog entry I looked out the window and saw the largest beetle I have ever seen outside of a museum. I captured it in a glass and brought it in. It’s 2″ long, 1.5″ high, and speckled.

    I’ll snap some pictures. It’s ginormous.

  2. Here’s a picture of the beetle, which Amber IDd as an Eastern Hercules.

    Eastern Hercules Beetle

    That’s a great picture of young assassin bugs, Tim. I’ve got a picture of a full-grown one that I’m pleased with, though it’s a little less action-packed. :)

    Wheel Bug

    You’ve got to be careful of those puppies. They can deliver a powerful bite.

  3. Virginia has gotten hundreds of thousands of dollars for communities located out in the boonies. I mean IN the boonies with hardly a sign of human life for miles around. And the communities are oh so proud that they applied for and got these grants. Quite frankly, I think there should be a certain level of shame attached to doing that, rather than pride or excitement. I lost a friend in both the Pentagon and the WTC and have several firefighter friends who are damaged for life due to the effects of the WTC fire/collapse. THOSE are targets. Although the people and scenery in some of our completely rural counties are lovely, they also aren’t likely to get blown to kingdom-come either.

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