4 replies on “Aggregator questions.”

  1. I’m always amused by people who try to make money from a weblog, such as the purveyor of TwoConservatives. Maybe I’m naive, but I thought the whole purpose was to have independent commentary and analysis. Or, as a great American thinker we are fond of here in Charlottesville once said, “He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.”

  2. “I’m always amused by people who try to make money from a weblog, such as the purveyor of TwoConservatives.”

    Or the purveyor of jaquith.org, for that matter?

    Which is not to say that ad revenue is Waldo’s primary, or even secondary motivation. It’s probably not the main motivation for TwoConservatives, either.

  3. I think it’s a matter of how you define “make money.” I do generate a small amount of income, but I actually lose money on it, given the time that I pour into it. I make money in the sense that I get a small bit of cash sent to me via PayPal every few months, but in the business sense, I’m losing money hand over fist. :)

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