4 replies on “Pi is exactly three!”

  1. So what qualifies here as an “anti-science fundamentalist”? Just asking, as I have seen you heckle those who find evolutionary theories questionable.

    And I am just playing devil’s advocate specifically towards this case. Geometry, a far simpler science, shows that a flat earth and a geocentric universe are impossible. It would be interesting to see how they justify their claims, though from what I can see, these are probably the same type of people who protest at the funerals of soldiers because they see it as God’s punishment for homosexuality.

  2. I’m okay with anti-evolutionists, if they have a scientific argument. (I’ve only met one, and he was ill-informed. By the time we parted he was no longer an anti-evolutionist.) However, I despise those who let preconceived notions override logic. For example, a geologist who works with carbon-dating on a regular basis, but still think the cosmos is only 6,000 years old.

  3. So what qualifies here as an “anti-science fundamentalist”?

    Anybody who rejects well-founded scientific facts for “beliefs” not supported by any fact and attempts to enforce these beliefs upon others in lieu of the truth.

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