Roanoke Times on Goode/MZM.

The Roanoke Times has what strikes me as a very fair editorial about Rep. Virgil Goode’s relationship with fallen contractor MZM, and the appearance of impropriety in that relationship. The most interesting part is this bit:

Still, giving Goode the benefit of the doubt, the most charitable conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is that, while not acting with corrupt intent, Goode allowed himself to be used by Wade and MZM, while remaining cluelessly incurious about his top donor.


Goode may have done nothing illegal in his dealings with MZM.

But his serious misjudgments demonstrate how difficult it has become to distinguish between congressional actions undertaken to benefit constituents and actions undertaken to curry favor — and cash — from well-heeled benefactors.

I, too, have attempted to consider the kindest explanations for Rep. Goode’s actions, but as more information comes out about this, those explanations must become less charitable by the week.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Roanoke Times on Goode/MZM.”

  1. I think the best Virgil Goode gets out of this affair is that he was duped. I’m not so sure that folks will be too excited about a Congressman who’s a “dupe”.

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