We got totally plowed.

We live on a gravel road that traverses a mountain range. It goes from nowhere to nowhere, and the only people who drive this way are the few of us who live here. Consequently it takes anywhere from a few days to a week after a snowfall for our road to get plowed.

The snow stopped early this morning, leaving us with 8″-10″ on the ground. It’s now 2pm and our road, to my great surprise, has already been plowed three times. I don’t know what this means, but I’m not about to complain. Since we had the good sense to get new tires a couple of weeks ago, and the good sense to park that car at the base of our long, steep dirt driveway last night, we’re about to hike out to the car and drive to town.


Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “We got totally plowed.”

  1. Hmm. I guess that secret government installation out there must’ve had a reason for needing it plowed this time. Now if only we knew what that reason was… Hmm.

  2. The only roads that get plowed that fast out my way are the ones where sheriffs and politicians live… Maybe your new notoriety in the GA is paying off!!! “Gotta keep that guy with the laptop happy, Jack…”

  3. I agree with Lucy, Waldo. You’re now known as a blogger with an audience, and people with an audience get things done for them.

    Enjoy the prestige, but don’t let it go to your head.

  4. *Laugh* I’m sure that’s what the guys driving the plow trucks are thinking. :) “Oh, shit, this is Waldo’s place. If we don’t plow the road he’ll blog about us.”

    What a terrifying, upside down world that would be!

  5. My private drive is enormous. the last time we had a really big snow (36″+) it took me 13 hours to dig my way out with a 50 hp front loasder. After I did it was two days bfore the local highway ws plowed.

    Now I have a Japanese 22 hp front loader, and the ladt time it snowed (12″) it took under an hour to dig my way out.

    The local roads were already clear.

    Aah, progress and Japanese Technology.

    Oh, and now I’m a bloger.

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