NPR on VA gay marriage bill.

Today, Morning Edition covered the proposed Virginia constitutional amendment to protect couples whose marriages are on the rocks prohibit gay marriage, complete with Victoria Cobb explaining that gay people “might love each other.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “NPR on VA gay marriage bill.”

  1. The Virginia constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage, is an attempt by the religious wrong to codify bigotry.

    It is not an issue of “family values” as they would have one believe, but instead is an issue of equal rights and protections. Heterosexual unions enjoy rights, benefits, federal and sometimes state entitlements, (many of them legal and financial) that are not accorded to homosexual marriages.

    If the government is going to be involved in the sanctioning of marriage then they should provide equal access and protections under the law for all couples both hetro and homosexual. Otherwise the government should get out of the marriage business all together (including but not limited to: tax breaks, federal entitlements, etc,.)

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