Only concealed weapons in GAB.

Since I remain unclear on whether anybody can carry a shotgun into the General Assembly Building (or “GAB,” as the cool kids call it), I talked to a capitol police officer about it when I was visiting yesterday. He looked distinctly displeased at being asked the question, but explained that firearms must be concealed and consequently the bearer must have a concealed weapons permit to display when entering the building.

I don’t know of a special law that makes this so and it’s my understanding that there would need to be a law saying “you can’t openly carry in the General Assembly” in order to create that restriction. Regardless of the law, though, it seems that security isn’t going to let anybody in who’s carrying openly.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Only concealed weapons in GAB.”

  1. The Joint Rules Committee resolution only allows concealed weapons licensees to carry on the Capitol grounds but it doesn’t require the licensee to carry the weapon concealed.

  2. Don’t ask law enforcement about your rights – the answer you receive will often be incorrect.

    You can open carry in the GA if you are a CHP holder, a member, or an LEO. this is per a “rule” established by teh Joint Rules Committee in April 2005 – not a law with any criminal penalty.

    No law makes it a crime to open carry in teh GAB without any CHP – if found, you might be asked to leave.

    As for carrying long guns in the GAB, it is not unlawful, nor precluded by the JRC rule. Sometimes people bring in long guns to show committees – usually anti-gunners.

    Obviously, a long gun would attract a lot of attention while at the same time being less useful for self defense for close in building scenarios than a handgun.

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