Best seat in the House.

On the main floor of the General Assembly Building there are five attractions: the two House committee meeting rooms, the two Senate committee meeting rooms, and the elevators that take people to representatives’ offices on the many floors above. In the back corner of the building, next to the House meeting rooms, there is a door with a small sign next to it that reads “Committee Operations Annex.” I get the sense that I shouldn’t go in there, and I haven’t dared try.

I don’t know what goes on in there, but I have discovered that the bench next to it is a great place to sit immediately before and after the two bodies convene each day. As I’ve sat here for the past five minutes, I’ve recognized no less than two dozen delegates who have strolled by me, along with a few senators. Some ignore me, some give me just a brief glance, and a couple have even introduced themselves.

This may earn me the reputation of “that creepy guy who sits in the corner on his laptop,” but it’s certainly an interesting way to meet people.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Best seat in the House.”

  1. So that was you? I just walked past you going into the forbidden door with a legislative aide. I can solve the mystery for you… for most people, it’s a back door out of the building… almost a straight shot over to the Patrick Henry Building.

    Now that I know what you look like in person, I’ll say hi next time I see you.

  2. There are offices back there, but it’s also a shortcut out the side door toward Old City Hall and the Patrick Henry Building.

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