SUVs not safe for kids.

A new study shows that SUVs are no safer for kids than cars. SUVs are the most dangerous vehicles, with occupants 11% like to die than occupants of cars. Worse still, those hit by SUVs are far more likely to die.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “SUVs not safe for kids.”

  1. There was a fascinating story on NOW, I think, about how SUVs are designed to make you feel safer, not to actually make you safer. For example, research has shown that if a car has more cup-holders, people will perceive it as being safer. (The theory is that it tickles some primal instinct about having food if you’re stranded.) And I read another article detailing internal auto-industry documents about how large SUVs are designed to look threatening, and then specifically marketed to selfish jerks.)

    And I can’t leave the topic without a bit of partisan snark — SUVs are really the perfect Republican vehicle — they screw everyone else through pollution and accidents, all in order to make yourself a little safer, or maybe only feel safer.

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