Katmari Damacy.

I picked up Katmari Damacy for my PS2 yesterday. What a crazy game. You roll around a ball, collecting objects snowball-style, with the goal of making really huge balls. Really huge — the things being rolled up things include clouds and sperm whales.

Katmari Damacy Screenshot

It’s a lot of fun and, by way of warning, it’s totally addictive.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Katmari Damacy.”

  1. Did you get 1 or 2? The second one has co-op mode, which is really fun. Both players have to control the ball in the same direction for it to go anywhere.

    But yeah, that game rules. Even my wife loves it!

  2. yeah, second one’s even better — something that doesn’t seem obvious until you play it a lot and then go back a replay the first one. in short, the second one is better in ways which are so subtle and smart that you don’t even notice them.

    however, the soundtrack for the first one is REMARKABLE.

    i totally almost bought a PS2, just for these two games.

  3. i played the game for the first time last week–i wasn’t convinced of it’s awesomeness until i was able to roll over cows. that was one of the single greatest moments of 2006 so far.

  4. I played it the other day and didn’t get it. Then I played it with a 9-year-old, and I got it.

  5. i like how it’s super-accessible to people who ordinarily don’t care about video games (which i’m quickly becomine one of)… it’s like when Super Mario Bros. first came out on NES and everyone’s parents were really into it.

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