Help out Mark Herring.

Democrats in Northern Virginia should know that there’s a special election on Tuesday — Mark Herring is running for state senate. There’s a lot of work to be done between now and then, and any Democrat in the area with the time to lend a hand ought to do so. In Leesburg, Herndon, Chantilly and South Riding Mark needs help on the phone and going door-to-door.

Please call the Herring campaign at 703-669-1361 and lend a few hours.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

10 replies on “Help out Mark Herring.”

  1. I just did! I canvassed for a couple of hours around Franklin Farms Middle School. People were friendly, they were informed and more importantly, they planned to vote for Mark Herring. “Tim Kaine needs all the help he can get down in Richmond,” said one gentleman. Couldn’t agree with him more. I’ve got a good feeling about this one!

  2. Went to the Staton rally today. There were around 100 people there to see Gilmore, Wolf, Bolling, et al; I would put the crowd at about 1/2 Patrick Henry College students.

    This was their big GOTV rally, presumably equivalent to the Herring rally attended by Kaine last week of 3-400. It could be that everybody else was out canvassing, so I wouldn’t relax a bit. What would be truly gratifying, though, would be to have this race go 65% Herring. Let’s go all out the next 3 days and try to make that happen. People are friendly, and they are understanding of why we are canvassing so much.

    The Staton camp is angry and worried, which is fine with me.

  3. I made GOTV calls to Farmwell Station precinct in Ashburn tonight and earlier to Sterling Park, and I am pleased as punch to report that my people were mostly happy I called, and more importantly, over half the actual people I spoke with said they are planning to vote for Mark!

    Things are definitely lookin’ good.


  4. How can a Democrat in Richmond be of some help? I can’t travel to Loudon or anything like that, but I would like to make some phone calls. Can someone help?

  5. Real Dem – call the campaign at 703-669-1361 and see if they have a phone tree of registered voters you can contact. Im sure they would be happy to have your help.


  6. I was out on Saturday morning knocking on doors and getting a good response. Of course, our lists were pre-screened for Democrats, but they were almost all well-informed and planning on voting, which is the big thing in a special election.

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