Del. Griffith on partisanship and committees.

Reader Kevin sent me a few clippings from Del. Morgan Griffin’s comments over the years on the importance of proportional representation and partisan balance on committees. They’re good for a giggle now, if nothing else.

The Republicans pushed for proportional representation and when we attain majority status, we should hold true to our claims of being a party of reform. Only by setting the example can we prove to the people of the commonwealth that we want what is best for Virginia.” (“Virginia Looks to GOP to Bring Change,” by Morgan Griffith, The Roanoke Times, Jan. 31, 1994.)

Republican Del. Morgan Griffith of Salem has proposed a constitutional amendment to require fair party representation on legislative committees. (“Committee Equity; Morgan Griffith’s Amendment,” The Roanoke Times, Jan. 25, 1996.)

“”The time of one party dictating everything because they have a few more seats should come to an end,” declared Del. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem. (“Fair Campaign Bill Debated,” The Roanoke Times, Jan. 30, 1996)

“Republican Del. Morgan Griffith of Salem said not having partisan balance on committees is the ‘ultimate politicization of the process.’” (“JCC Delegate Lashes Out in House,” Daily Press, Jan. 30, 1996.)

The lesson to Democrats today should be that we must make things fair when we take control again, as Del. Griffith said that he would do when his party took control. Del. Griffith and his Republicans lack the self-control to behave appropriately. Here’s hoping we Democrats can shoot a little higher.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »