GA blogging on Thursday.

I’m calling up that my weekly General Assembly blogging session will be on Thursday. I intend to join a fellow Virginia blogger for lunch, visit a couple of delegates who have extended invitations, and observe the annual Pro-Choice Lobbying Day, which has gotten some of my friends excited about visiting the GA. I’ll pick out what committee and subcommittee meetings to attend come Wednesday. Any suggestions?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “GA blogging on Thursday.”

  1. There are two child support amendments (SB 220 221) that are supposed to be debated tomorrow. Courts of Justice in the House killed similar bills. It may be interesting to see what Senators have to say about child support.

  2. Assuming I’m your lunch date, email me and we’ll coordinate. If I’m not your lunch date, that ought to give me time to think of a better phrase than “lunch date”.

  3. Depending how early you’re going down, the Senate Committee on Education and Health has an interesting looking docket for tomorrow morning, including the New College Institute, limits on eligibility for in-state tuition, and bills that call for the Commonwealth to pull out of the NCLB Act.

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