Good turnout in Stony Point.

I worked the Stony Point precinct from 8am-10am, and I was really surprised at the turnout. I assumed it would be terribly low, and we’d all bemoan it for weeks to come, but things were brisk. I manned the same poll last year, for the presidential election, and the traffic was similar. I can’t imagine that the turnout will be anything like a presidential race, but it is strong.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Good turnout in Stony Point.”

  1. I manned the Carver center- I agree the turnout was surprisingly high. Enjoyable morning at the polls.

  2. Of course you had an enjoyable morning — you were at Carver. :) I was a Carver voter for years, and manned those polls on at least a few occasions, too, most recently for the primary. There’s no better precinct for Democrats in Charlottesville than Carver.

  3. i tell you waldo, i’m nervous. yesterday (sort of like in 2004) i thought we had it wrapped up. now, i’m tense. sure this elections is in a red state, and the voters are being asked to reject the “lock stock and barrell” GOP message, and devisive talking points. kilgore has run a “GOP 101 Election Template”, could he possible loose?

    our hopes run high, that’s for sure sure, commons sense will prevail, that mark warner’s legacy will translate into an obvious victory for Kaine or deeds, and so forth…but as lee corso would say “not so fast my friend”

    this is where my doubt comes in. what we don’t get about conservatives and I guess red states in general, is that LOYALTY trumps logic, and they are proud about this…even thought we see the progress and bipartianship, they see that they are not in power. there would be nothing more empowering and thrilling for their “team” than to buck the trend, take the wind of warner’s “popularity” and lob the big old middle finger to the rest of the county and elect a GOP lap dog like Kilgore, who at best a little W clone.

    Pleae tell me it will be different this time….

  4. When should be expect exit polling data to be out?

    I’d be surprised if anybody were conducting exit polls. Though my memory is neither as long or as good as others’, I don’t recall exit polls ever being done in state races.

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