Progress on VPTC blogging discussion.

David Hendrick has an article in today’s Daily Progress about the Virginia Piedmont Technology Council panel discussion on blogging that I spoke at last week.

While panelists put forth various reasons why businesses needed to understand the still relatively novel world of the “blogosphere,” speaker and long-time blogger Waldo Jaquith put the matter succinctly.

“You should be interested in blogs because blogs are interested in you, whether or not you like it or not,” Jaquith, the proprietor of, said. “Blogs are a great way to find out what customers are saying about you.”

“Whether or not you like it or not”? The only thing worse than reading a transcript of myself speaking extemporaneously hearing a recording of myself doing so. Hendrick is right — that does pass for succinct, as my speaking goes.

Anyhow, it’s a nice piece. I come across as sounding far less stupid than I actually was. I always appreciate that.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Progress on VPTC blogging discussion.”

  1. Waldo,

    An acquaintance of mine had the opportunity to attend and he spoke kindly of your presentation. Going into the event he scarcely knew about participatory culture and the like, but he seems quite enthusiastic about it. While he, like many others, may not see value in online writing anytime soon, I think it was successful to provide a positive example to counter balance the “cat blogging” jokes we hear. I’m sorry I couldn’t join, but it sounds like it was a hit.

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