Kilgore campaign fined.

Just like Tim Kaine’s campaign, Jerry Kilgore’s campaign was fined $100 today for their misleading mailer, as expected. As Larry O’Dell reports, the State Board of Elections’ Jean Jensen is pretty unhappy:

Board Secretary Jean Jensen complained that the board “is being used for political gain.” She noted that Charles Spies, a lawyer for the Republican Governors Association, blasted the Kaine flier as “dishonest and deceptive” during Friday’s board meeting.

“My anger is based on the fact that by amazing coincidence, during the time Mr. Spies was addressing the board regarding dishonesty and deception, the mailer before us was being delivered to the mail boxes of Virginia voters,” Jensen said.

Nobody who has been paying attention should be surprised by the SBE fine or the fact that, just like with the Kaine campaign, this matter has been referred to the Richmond commonwealth’s attorney.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Kilgore campaign fined.”

  1. Wasn’t Jerry Kilgore the TOP law enforcement official in the commonwealth?

    Jerry, one question:

    What part of “ILLEGAL” don’t you understand?

    Must been out spit polishing the boots of the local Republican big wigs the day they covered that one.

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