Audio of Warner/Kaine victory speech.

Sean Tubbs, of the Charlottesville Podcasting Network, has made available the audio of Governor Elect Tim Kaine and Gov. Mark Warner’s speeches last night:

      Gov. Mark Warner (3.9MB MP3)

      Gov. Elect Tim Kaine (1.1MB MP3)

When Kaine starts talking about Jerry Kilgore, and that one jackass applauds for fully five seconds until anybody else starts clapping? I’m that jackass.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Audio of Warner/Kaine victory speech.”

  1. If anybody could point me to audio of Kilgore’s concession speech, I’d appreciate it. Just as he said something about being heard loud and clear, the TV station’s audio cut off. They switched to the camera mic, but it was too muddied to hear, particularly over the crowd noise, so the feed was cut in the room.

  2. “When Kaine starts talking about Jerry Kilgore, and that one jackass applauds for fully five seconds until anybody else starts clapping? I’m that jackass.”


  3. Pingback: Josetine Ruther
  4. Pingback: Thomrle Regire

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