18 replies on “Graph of Deeds/McDonnell vote count.”

  1. That’s correct, Mark. The actual results will be certified by the Board of Elections on November 28. After that date, Creigh Deeds may request a recount.

  2. That’s not a dumb question at all, Mark — this is a confusing process. This is not part of a recount — this is a result of the McDonnell and the Deeds campaign reviewing the aggregate votes in localities and making corrections where errors seem to lie. One of the people involved in this process could surely tell you more about this than I.

    The recount process will presumably change the votes a great deal more, though in which direction, nobody knows.

  3. Actually, I think that these changes are the results of the local electoral boards completing their initial canvasses. The final results will be certified on November 28th at which point the candidate who is behind — which may be McDonnell — may seek a recount. Does any know which, if any, jurisdictions are still counting?

  4. Waldo – why do you think the recount process will change the votes a great deal more – thought it all went to three judges who could easily decide to do nothing?

  5. If they decide to do nothing, then presumably no recount will have taken place, right?

    On the whole, recounts tend to result in different numbers. If the spread were thousands of votes, I don’t see any reason to expect that the result would change. But we’re into the low three digits here — it would only take a very small change to swing the results considerably.

    I don’t pretend to know much about the recount process.

  6. I called the Virginia Board of Elections to find about data options. They were very courteous but insistent that I understand that it was not “official” data.

    A number of things pop out: the increase in voter registraiton in the smallest juristictions, the most rural; the down ticket increases by McDonnell; and, of course, Virginia Beach, with a huge surge down ticket:

    48.63%T M Kaine Democratic 47,120 48.63%
    47.96% J W Kilgore Republican 46,471 47.96%
    H R Potts Jr Independent 3,178 3.28%
    Write Ins 120 0.12%
    View Results by Precinct Vote Totals: 96,889

    Office: Lieutenant Governor
    Precincts Reporting: 87 of 87 (100.00%)
    Registered Voters: 259,333 Total Voting: 94,442 Voter Turnout: 36.42 %
    Candidates Party Vote Totals: Percentage
    W T Bolling Republican 52,354 55.44%
    L L Byrne Democratic 41,225 43.65%
    Write Ins 863 0.91%
    View Results by Precinct Vote Totals: 94,442

    Office: Attorney General
    Precincts Reporting: 87 of 87 (100.00%)
    Registered Voters: 259,333 Total Voting: 96,201 Voter Turnout: 37.10 %
    Candidates Party Vote Totals: Percentage
    R F McDonnell Republican 54,885 57.05%
    R C Deeds Democratic 41,198 42.82%
    Write Ins 118 0.12%
    View Results by Precinct Vote Totals: 96,201

  7. A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man (up to dickety times!) James, you haven’t shown yourself to be a Kwyjibo with your comment, have you? ;)

    I hope this isn’t all too introubulating.

  8. I did some special research and must credit the Washington Post “new words” 2005 contest. I pulled my very favorites to share:

    Bozone: The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

    Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.

    Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

    Ignoranus: A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.

  9. “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man”

    How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?

  10. You can’t go wrong quoting Jebediah Springfield (or Hans)–!
    Checked in here from RaisingKaine to see if you had followups on McConnell’s Abramoff ties. Interesting news for this former Virginian! Keep up the good work.

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