Dick Black and David “Poison.”

I don’t care what party this man is in, Del. Dick Black is an embarrassment to Virginia politics. From Black Out 2005:

In cable TV ads that started yesterday, an actor deliberately and pronouncedly mispronounces Dick Black’s opponent, David Poisson’s last name as “Poison”.

[T]here’s only one explanation for it. Mr. Black actually thinks there are voters out there that will actually not vote for David Poisson based on the way he (Black) pronounces his name. “Who would vote for poison?”, his little brain surmises.

Well, yes, voters will vote for and elect the man Dick Black calls “poison”. They want a grown-up representing them in Richmond.

What a maroon.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Dick Black and David “Poison.””

  1. Okay, as I remember the story, a few weeks ago at a campaign forum, with Poisson, Black mispronouced his opponent’s name in a similarly, disrespectful manner. Black’s explanation? He didn’t know how the name was pronounced. He thought “Poison” was the correct pronunciation. Let’s be very generous to Black and grant that it was just an innocent error.

    But, now, he broadcasts commercials with the same juvenile pronunciation, after having his previous “mistake” corrected? Black now ridicules himself and his own dissembling about the earlier event. What an ass.

  2. Waldo! Just because someone’s last name is “Black” doesn’t mean you can make racial jokes. Especially considering the topic of this post.

    A fugitive Black slave in the West Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries.


    ; )

  3. Black is closer to losing this election than the wing-nuts want to admit. But I hear Black has sent up a statewide distress signal!

  4. He knows. He said so at the debate, plaintively, to his embattled supporters: “I think this may be a very close race.” Translation: please save my exposed butt.

    Leave no rational 32nd voter uncalled. Ridding ourselves of this disturbed man will shift the climate significantly.

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