Examples of the semantic web.

In a recent article, Tim O’Reilly explained the difference between the web of the past and the evolving web of the future. Thanks in no small part to the technology used by blogs, the semantic web is having a much bigger impact on the world than the static, uninterwoven web of the past. He provided the following examples that illustrate the evolution well:

Web 1.0   Web 2.0
DoubleClick –> Google AdSense
Ofoto –> Flickr
Akamai –> BitTorrent
mp3.com –> Napster
Britannica Online –> Wikipedia
personal websites –> blogging
evite –> upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation –> search engine optimization
page views –> cost per click
screen scraping –> web services
publishing –> participation
content management systems –> wikis
directories (taxonomy) –> tagging (“folksonomy”)
stickiness –> syndication

Even if you don’t really understand what is meant by “Web 2.0” or “the semantic web,” if you’re familiar with a few of these transitions, it should be clear that the web is becoming a whole new place.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “Examples of the semantic web.”

  1. Waldo your political commentary is great but this hacker stuff really leaves me scratching my head.

  2. Yeah…and I still use Evite and I’ve never heard of any of that other crap!!!

    In other news, Jerry Kilgore still loves abortion.

  3. If by Napster he means the latter-day premium service instead of the old P2P app, I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t have selected iTunes instead.

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