Del. Tom Gear’s tax-paying difficulties.

The Hampton Roads Daily Press is upset with Republican Del. Tom Gear — it seems that he’s paid his taxes late just about every time he’s had to pay taxes, for well over a decade. It is ironic, they point out, given that he’s staunchly anti-tax.

Like the occasional speeding ticket, I have to wonder whether this is a fair attack. I know (the hard way) that the IRS extracts both fines and interest from late payers. Though I’m no economist, it’s my sincere hope that the rate of interest and the size of the fines are sufficient to make late payment not just undesirable for taxpayers, but actually more profitable to government than paying on time.

I’m not about to suggest that Del. Gear has chosen to do us all a big favor by paying late, but given that he is not only paying his taxes (eventually), but paying extra, I’m not sure that I want to complain.

But the Daily Press is right — it is ironic.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Del. Tom Gear’s tax-paying difficulties.”

  1. It is ironic, they point out, given that he’s staunchly anti-tax.

    It would seem to me that it would be ironic if he was pro-tax. “Here he is pro-tax and he isn’t willing to pay his own taxes on time.” It would seem unironic (i.e. consistent) that someone who is against taxes would pay their taxes late.

  2. My take on the irony of the situation was that, if you are anti-tax, why would you pay them late, causing you to pay additional amounts in the forms of interest and penalties?

  3. A post about my delegate (grudgingly)…he seems to be against everything and for…I don’t know. This scandal has some traction but I don’t know if it will get Gilliand, his opponent, into the House of Delegates (but I will sure vote for him).

  4. It seems that alot of Gear’s late penalties and fines were waived by the past City Treasurer (notice the emphasis on PAST…booted out of office for various reasons including financial mismanagement and using Hampton’s taxpayer’s monies to call escort services while out of town on City business). Gear’s a deadbeat alright. Bankruptcy. Bounced checks for tax payments, child support payments. Embezzeling amusement taxes from his bingo parlor. Repossessions…as early as last year. He does say NO to everything!

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