A picture of the interior of my right eye.

Photograph of my eyeball
I visited my eye doctor today, Primary Eyecare Associates, and they did something new: they took a photograph of the interior each of my eyeballs. Apparently, the picture tells them something about my eyes’ health, though they’re more useful when taken over the course of years, to establish a trend. The totally cool thing is that they’re happy to e-mail people the eyeball pictures, so when I got home, I had this waiting for me.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “A picture of the interior of my right eye.”

  1. I once had a (really cute) opthalmologiest tell me I had “gorgeous retinas.” *swoon*

    I have to say, yours aren’t half bad either, Waldo. And please assure Amber that I mean that in the most platonic way. :)

  2. Re MySQL 5: I have had tons of *fun* recently setting up MySQL 4.1 from scratch via SSH. Getting all the RPM dependencies (php, php-mysql, httpd) and getting the exact right version was a pain in some very painful places. I have learned trilli-tons about Linux in the last week.

    I’m very excited to see 5 go live. I have been looking forward to stored procedures so that I can switch our customer database system to MySQL.

  3. Posted by the Right Hand for Kilo.
    Those pics could come in handy if you ever sustain an injury to your eye. Wish I had pics of mine before my crash. Those pics could be very important to a lawyer showing you were in good shape. Very cool man.

  4. *Laugh* That’s actually a pretty great idea. :) I’m good about photographing my possessions, in case of loss (theft, fire, flood, whatever), but it never occurred to me to store photographic evidence of the state of my body. :)

    I suspect it’s much like, say, backing up your hard drive — it seems like a pretty great thing to do only after you’ve experienced a loss.

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