My name is Earl.

Today, I had a mini epiphany: there’s something missing from my life. That something is television.

We live on the far side of the mountain — TV signals pass hundreds of yards over our heads. We get the local NBC station, though we generally have to pick between seeing the picture or hearing the audio. Bein’ as how they’re charging for better service, we’ve made do with this.

Tonight, we warmed up the box and watched ourself some teevee. NBC’s pilot for “My Name is Earl.” And, you know, it’s pretty darned good.

It’s a single-camera show, like Fox’s wonderful “Arrested Development.” It doesn’t assume that I’m so stupid that I need to prompted to laugh, so no laugh track. Every line is not a joke, a la “Friends.” The title character is played ably by Jason Lee. The character has genuine depth, unlike the two-dimensional characters that inhabit most television shows.

NBC has sucked, for years. It’s been Seinfeld reruns and Fox on Sunday night for me, at least back when I got more than one channel. I’ll make a point of watching NBC on Tuesday nights from here on out. But probably not on any other nights or times.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “My name is Earl.”

  1. I haven’t seen the show, but I have mixed feelings. I like Jason Lee, but he is a Scientologist. I have a hard time watching a movie or TV show with an actor/scientologist and not getting annoyed — I read up on the practices of this “church”, and I get really angry every time I think about celebrities who endorse them. It’s easy to ignore Kirstie Alley, Travolta, and Cruise, because I tend not to like their stuff anyway, but Jason Lee is actually pretty good!

    When Tom Cruise was going crazy(-ier) and Scientology was in the news again, someone pointed out that Beck was in the cult, too. Now I can’t bring myself to listen to his music, either, without getting angry.

  2. Chris, you’ve gotta let it go. Don’t let an artist’s personal life deprive you of the pleasure of their work. Sure, Sinatra was a lout, but do you think that’s going to stop me from listening to him sing “One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)”? Not a chance!

  3. Glad to hear there’s something worth watching. I am not ashamed to say I watch some teevee. But this past year, the selection has gotten pretty awful. I used to really like 24. But more and more it just tries to scare Americans to death. I do like Scrubs and House. They are at least different from the usual. I must have been the only one watching American Dreams. It went off the air. And I can’t imagine watching Gena Davis in Commander in Chief, not because she’s a woman, but because I don’t think she can act. So, most days that leaves teh Daily Show with Jon Stewart or HGTV –and there’s only so much tempting for homeowner improvement a budget can stand! Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. I haven’t had TV for over a year now, and John Stewart is the only show I miss.

    Arrested Development on DVD keeps my TV jones to a minimum.

    Quick question: I’ve never seen 6 feet under. I hear it’s great, but is it worth investing 80 or 90 hours in watching the whole series on DVD?

  5. Josh – Six Feet Under is hands down the best series I’ve ever seen. Ever. I was a fan from the very beginning. One day soon I will invest in the DVD’s so that my future generations can enjoy it too. Buy the collection and take your time. Watch one a week. Let each episode sink in like you’d savor a fine wine or an well-aged cheese. :-D

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