War spam.

This is about the most distasteful spam that I’ve ever received:

From: Abbey Mccarthy
Subject: 140 mariines killed
Date: August 4, 2005

14 US Marines Killed in Iraq Bombing
Guardian Unlimited

By ROBERT H. REID. BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) – 40 minutes ago.

140 US Marines were killed when a huge bomb destroyed their lightly armored vehicle, urling it into the air in a giant fireball in the deadliest roadside bombing suffered by American forces in the Iraq war

Read more…

“Read more” links me to a spam hawking penis enlargement pills.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “War spam.”

  1. Wow, that’s just completely messed up. Almost hard to believe that someone would actually stoop that low.

  2. I received like 20 of those 9 (with slight variation) this morning, no telling how many were blocked… This feels similar to an “Osama captured” email that came through a few weeks ago.

    These aren’t obviously functional to me. The only gain for the spammer that I can see getting a better list of live, confirmed emails if there is a higher click-through rate.

  3. Spam is irritating, but this is downright insulting. To think that anyone would put up with this turns my stomach. Using sympathy towards troops in Iraq to sell an enhancement product (or anything besides a purely charitable act) is downright sleazy.

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