Podcasting intro at Neon Guild.

Charlottesville blogger Duane Gran writes:

Buzz over Participatory culture was in the air as Sean Tubbs revealed the inner workings of the C’ville Podcasting Network to over sixty people at last night’s Neon Guild meeting. Tubbs has been building the network over the past ten months as a venue for wider distribution of interviews, music and public proceedings in the Charlottesville area. After some brief stumbling over technical jargon surrounding the medium, the audience rapidly “got it” in a way that leads me to believe that more people will be producing original content soon.

I wasn’t able to attend Monday night’s meeting, unfortunately, but I’m geeked to hear that people were so receptive.

I’m happy with the recent explosion of Charlottesville blogs, and I’d be happier still to see folks podcasting. I’ll admit that I don’t know where it’s all going, but I do know that when individuals embrace person-to-person community-building structures, good things follow.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »