Peter Jennings dead of lung cancer.

Wow — ABC just broke the story that Peter Jennings has died of lung cancer.

On Friday, out of nowhere, this thought bubbled up into my consciousness: Peter Jennings has lung cancer. I couldn’t understand where the thought came from. Why did I just think that? Where would I get the idea? Somewhere, vaguely, I recalled hearing a sound clip of Jennings announcing it. Perhaps he’d been diagnosed some years previously, and was a survivor? I meant to google it, but forgot.

Jennings, I’ve now read, smoked for many years, quit in his mid-40s, and then restarted a few years ago. I’d like to hope that his death will encourage others to quit, but I figure every smoker knows full well that they’ll likely die of lung cancer or heart disease, so I can’t see that it’ll make a whit of difference. Shame.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Peter Jennings dead of lung cancer.”

  1. I figure every smoker knows full well that they’ll likely die of lung cancer or heart disease

    You’d be surprised. It’s sad really. It’s amazing how many people tell me that they “don’t buy” that smoking will kill you.

  2. Wow. I wonder if that’s a simple case of denial, or if they genuinely believe, on balance, that the evidence is on the side of inhaling poisons being a broadly safe activity.

    I’m not sure if unflagging faith in the face of all reason and evidence is an admirable trait, or utter stupidity.

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