13 replies on “I want a rabbit named Eisenhower.”

  1. I used to have a cat named Monroe!

    (Ok Ok, he wasn’t named after James Monroe but Monroe Shock and Struts…. my dad was in the tire business. Come to think of it, that’s pretty ironic b/c Monroe met an untimely death under a Goodyear all-weather radial.)

  2. That reminds ME of a parakeet we once had. I had let him out to fly around the basement and my dad stepped on him accidentally when he was coming down the stairs to the family room. Crushed him. Never even realized he had stepped on the bird. I found him 20 minutes later. Jeez. It was dangerous to be a pet in our household… There was a myriad of hamsters who died of “wet-tail”… Zena, the doberman, had Leukemia… Beni, the cat, had an eye just fall out of his head… Another cat, Sammy, died of kidney failure… Billy Bob the hound had bone cancer… During Warner’s campaign I always wanted to get two Siamese Fighting fish – name one Earley and the other Guv’nah. I think we know who would have survived.

  3. If you know anything about Truman, you’ll know it’s a great name for a mule.
    He worked his father’s farm for 8 years before starting in politics.

    Did you know? Harry Truman led a mortar brigade of 192 men in WWI, all
    of whom survived the war.

  4. If the mule is named after the former president, I hope Creigh is smart enough to spell his name correctly (which you have not, btw).

  5. Also can’t forget that part of the Marshall Plan, which was enacted by the Truman administration, included sending Missouri mules to Greece for use by it’s farmers.

  6. If the mule is named after the former president, I hope Creigh is smart enough to spell his name correctly (which you have not, btw).

    I certainly have spelled it correctly. It would take a great effort to mangle such a simple name.

    As trolling goes, you could really be much more effective.

  7. I suppose Jim Patterson is trying to make the point that the “S” in Harry S. Truman’s name doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just an initial. Thus, in the anal retentive view of some, there should be no period after the “S”. Most folks disagree and take the view that a middle initial takes a period, whether it stands for anything or not. No, I take that back – most folks don’t care.

  8. Heh, my father has a goat named Harry S. Truman, too.
    We call him Harry ass. He is a long haired billy.

  9. You and Lowell are like two peas in a pod. One criticism, and the “TROLL!” chant comes out. You’re both quite reliable in that regard. In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka — lighten up, Francis.

    As for the “S” — it most certainly is not an initial. An initial, by definition,
    stands for something. And the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library (since that’s what they call themselves, the period is appropriate there) is entitled to be wrong. It’s a free country. Any editor with even a moderate understanding of correct English knows how it should be written.

  10. Sorry, Jim Patterson, punctuation police, but clearly Waldo was writing about Creigh Deeds’ donkey, who according to Deeds’ Web site is named “Harry S. Truman”, with the period. They have the right to punctuate their donkey’s name however they choose. Waldo is correct.

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