Leslie Byrne on “liberal.”

See, now, this is why I think Leslie Byrne is the bees’ knees:

Her Republican Party opponent has taken to referring to her almost exclusively with the L word. But Democratic Party lieutenant-governor nominee Leslie Byrne isn’t overly concerned that the label might stick.

“Since that’s what he calls his Republican opponents, it’s kind of lost its sting, hasn’t it?” Byrne said, referring to the use of the word liberal by GOP nominee Bill Bolling to describe her politics.


“The fact remains that I’ve introduced more tax-cut legislation than the entire Republican ticket combined. And if they think that’s too liberal, then let them explain how,” Byrne said.

Rock on, Leslie.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Leslie Byrne on “liberal.””

  1. I admired Leslie Byrne for being part of the Democratic wing of the Democratic party. But now she’s clearly sold out and become a conservative Republicrat Republican-lite Gentrification Moran Enabler. I’m off the bandwagon.

  2. You and Leslie have convinced me too, Waldo. Bolling is obviously the only person in the Commonwealth who considers her to be a “liberal” Democrat. Certainly no other Democrats think that. In fact, I think she pulls the whole ticket to the right, and provides some balance for that quasi-Communist, Creigh Deeds. Good work.

  3. RE ““Since that’s what he calls his Republican opponents, it’s kind of lost its sting, hasn’t it?” Byrne said, referring to the use of the word liberal by GOP nominee Bill Bolling to describe her politics.”

    Or … Bolling’s primary opponent was a Liberal (on tax and spend issues) who tried and failed to masquerade as a fiscal Conservative. As one who pays his bills, I certainly think so.

    As for Paul, take heart! I’m sure Leslie Byrne has simply joined the Mark “Say Anything to Get Elected Then Screw Your Promises” Warner wing of the Democrat Party.

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