Creigh’s advantage.

When I tell Republican friends that I’m feeling pretty good about Sen. Creigh Deeds’ odds for Virginia attorney general come November, they generally don’t get it. They’ve picked sides in the Bob McDonnell/Steve Baril pissing-match, as the two fight for the nomination, and see Creigh as a non-issue. And that’s why I feel so good about Creigh.

As Jeff Schapiro writes in today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch, the Baril/McDonnell race has gotten so nasty as to hand Creigh his entire plan of attack against whomever wins:

McDonnell, the presumed favorite, and Baril are questioning each other’s ethics. Professional conduct is the kind of stuff that easily alarms voters. Lawyers, as the butt of dozens of tortured votes, know this all too well.

McDonnell is asking whether Baril’s legal practice is consistent with “high standards,” citing judicial criticism of tactics in a case in which Baril’s firm was local counsel. In another case mentioned by McDonnell, Baril sued the estate of dead firefighters.

Baril, a former president of the Richmond Bar Association, bristles at suggestions that he has been out of line as a lawyer.

In politics, of course, the best defense is a good offense. So Baril is pressing McDonnell, the chairman of the House Courts of Justice Committee, on a potential conflict of interest: McDonnell earns thousands of dollars representing legal clients before state agencies over which he has budgetary and statutory sway.

Thanks, guys! Over here in Creigh’s district (the 25th), we’re not in a bubble — we hear all of this, and we’re taking notes. Since Sen. John Edwards dropped out of the race, Creigh’s our one and only, so he’ll emerge from June 14 unscathed. The same can’t be said for Baril or McDonnell.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “Creigh’s advantage.”

  1. You’re so tight with the candidate, you can type his first name correctly 6 times out of 7? (This from the author of a recent post about the late Jeff “Stallard.”)

  2. Either Baril or McDonnell will beat Deeds by 10+ points. I look forward to topping this in November.

  3. I. Publius:

    So…you think Baril or McDonnell will fare equally well? My understanding is that plenty of moderate Republicans HATE McDonnell. I’m talking LOATH.

  4. Waldo, as a life-long Republican I have to tell you that I think this race will be more competitive
    than most of my Party friends believe. I recall Creig’s popularity as a Delegate before being elected
    to the State Senate. That kind of popularity doesn’t come accidentally, and I believe he will make this
    race very competitive. On the other hand Waldo, I think the joke is on you guys. Creigh is undoubtedly
    more conservative than candidate Baril on both guns and abortion: which makes me laugh at you Democrats in
    Charlottesville. Jane Maddux (the woman who ran against Creigh last time)was way more liberal as I understand
    and yet all the liberals voted for Deeds. Personally, I think the area Republicans got the better deal.
    A Conservative got elected, and the Dems got to foot the bill! Maybe you guys will do the same thing this
    year in the AG race, ‘cept Baril won’t get the nod.

  5. Baril is a corporate shill. Deeds wants the governor’s mansion in ’09… that’s what he’s running for now, because he knows he’ll lose to either McDonnell or Baril.

  6. Good god, 2009? I start feeling sick when people mention 2008 … anyone who has begun thinking about 2009 should get a hobby, or put your prognostication skills to use telling me who will win the NBA Finals.

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