Kilgore still ducking debates.

On Friday, Tim Kaine was on NRA Radio and, frankly, did a bang-up job in what conservatives like to think of as enemy territory for him. Opponent Jerry Kilgore did an interview today, responding to Kaine’s appearance, and the following high-larious exchange took place at the end:

NRA: Again, Mr. Kilgore, I want to thank you for coming on the program again. I’m sure between now and November we’ll be having both yourself and Mr. Kaine on the program, let me go ahead throw this out at you: if we could get both of you gentleman in the same room together, would you guys debate the gun issue on this program?

KILGORE: [laugh] Well, there will be plenty of opportunities for us to debate the gun issue. July 16th…July 16th is the first debate over at the Greenbrier before the VA bar association.

The NR-freaking-A asks Republican Jerry Kilgore to debate on their program, and what does Kilgore say? “Um, well, we’re having a debate in West By-God Virginia in, like, a month, so, er, no.”

The man just keeps ducking debates, and it’s really lame. If he doesn’t think he can win a debate with Kaine about gun rights moderated by the NRA, what kind of a debate does he think he can win?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »