Kilgore refuses debate, agrees to debate, refuses debate again.

Poor Jerry Kilgore. The guy just can’t work up the courage to appear in a debate, least of all one being broadcast statewide on TV. Chris Graham writes in today’s Augusta Free Press:

A televised debate that had been in the works between Democratic Party gubernatorial nominee Tim Kaine and Republican Party nominee Jerry Kilgore is now off.

The Kilgore campaign informed sponsor WSLS-NBC10 in Roanoke on Monday that Kilgore, the former state attorney general, will not appear in the station’s planned debate, which had been scheduled to go out over the airwaves statewide.

So now we’re back down to two debates. One in front of a local chamber of commerce (Woo. Hoo.) and one, bizarrely, in West By-God Virginia.

Arranging a debate with Kilgore is like playing duck-duck-goose with a three-year-old: duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck… There’s no goose.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Kilgore refuses debate, agrees to debate, refuses debate again.”

  1. I sent a short message to the Kilgore campaign ( expressing my dismay about the cancelled debate and urged them to engage the opposition. They wrote back to say that “There will be a televised debate in the Fall, rest assured.”

    Of course, with an election in November this gives little time for voters to get to know their candidates. I’m puzzled why Kilgore doesn’t engage in a debate now. It is certainly sending a bad message.

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