
From the New York Times:

The United States and other countries have forcibly sent dozens of terror suspects to Egypt, according to a report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch. The rights group and the State Department have both said Egypt regularly uses extreme interrogation methods on detainees.

You know, I can’t even work up a good “how dare they?” anymore. Yes, the United States tortures innocent people. That is a very bad thing, and we should not do it. But there’s a fresh outrage with the Bush White House once or twice a day. I’m just plain out of outrage right now

When this British document came out last week, showing that Bush and Blair had directed intelligence officials to invent reasons — any reasons — to justify war with Iraq? No surprise. I don’t think I so much as grunted. I still haven’t read beyond the first few paragraphs of a story. The Bush White House breaks domestic law and international law every day — from outing Valerie Plame to Jack Abramoff’s shenanigans, Jim Tobin’s phone jamming to paying off pundits — it’s just what they do. To be angry or surprised is to shake my fist at the sun rising in the morning.

Other people can continue to call for Rumsfeld and DeLay to resign. Ultimately, I think that we’ll be better off for the unbelievable hubris being displayed by these guys and the whole Washington Republican infrastructure. When they come down, they’ll come down hard, and they won’t come back for a generation.

On Sunday, I leave for a two-week beach vacation. Maybe I’ll work up a little outrage while I’m gone.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Scandal-weary.”

  1. The democratic party has to come up with a solution. In the previous election I know that the democ rats gave it the old college try and were unsuccessful in their attempt to free our country from the reign of terror Bush who I will not refer to him as President because I feel he doesn’t deserve the title should be removed from power. We have to stand up and do something.

  2. Watch in the coming months for indications that the broad
    base of Americans is beginning to see the real intent of
    far-right and it’s dangerous effects on American Democracy.

    The clear lesson of the Iraq War, the Assaut on the Filibuster,
    and the new breed of American Torturers, among others is that
    the Republican party is so beholden to a radical right-wing
    sect, that it is now willing to Destroy the Constitution
    in the name of God and Patriotism.

    Watch as the great American Middle takes up a battle cry of
    something like “No More Kings” or “No Popes in America”.

    The Congressional and Executive puppets of the Radical
    Right are doing the work of the Left: Proving the
    Republican Party capable of Un-American, Un-Constitutional,
    even Traitorous Acts.


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