One reply on “Sydney Morning Herald: Bush looks “like a lame duck.” How sweet those words sound.”

  1. Dear Waldo,
    Our last outspoken and independent free weekly

    was sold to the owners of the C’ville Weekly. I was wondering
    if the new owners were GOP or Dem, left or in the middle like myself.
    Our Metropolitan Spirit has a free speech “Whine-Line” where people
    tell it like it is. Please write soon. Who is Hawes Spencer? Why did they
    split up? How are things up there? NAFTA and globalism whacked our
    populist center. Most Dems here are pretty liberal followers…unaware
    of us Democrats in the center that must work at good union jobs.
    The culture war , like religion and abortion, soft drugs, etc. is not
    a valid issue but the jobs and healthcare are.

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