Werkheiser vs. Albo.

In one of the races that I’ll be following most closely between now and November, Democrat Greg Werkheiser has launched a website for his campaign against Republican incumbent Dave Albo. Apparently thinking that he’ll win the better-website battle, Albo launched a new website this weekend, too, but it’s just as crappy as the old one, only now he’s got his name written really, really big as fuzzy JPEG, and that’s somehow an improvement.

Albo’s one of those genuinely evil and deeply-hypocritical Republicans in the Virginia House. I’ll be devoting some real time to getting this nutjob out of office this year. More on that in a few days.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »