Election fraud and loonies.

Markos Moulitsas on Ohio and election fraud:

So why didn’t I find the Ohio stuff compelling? Because the wacked out conspiracy theories hijacked the issue, taking it away from the obvious travesties — the long lines in Democratic precincts, attempted voter intimidation, etc., to the realm of fantasy.

Us liberal bloggers like to brag that we live in the “reality-based community”. It’s kind of hard to be reality-based when people are claiming that Kerry won with no hard evidence to the contrary. Was there fraud? Sure. There always has been. Was the GOP ready to steal the election if necessary? No doubt. But they didn’t have to steal this one. This wasn’t 2000. Bush rode his fucked up war to victory, whether we like it or not. History will judge us right, but until then, we’re stuck with the results.

Now, I was open minded at first, letting the fraudsters do the analysis, ready to pounce if the smoking gun was found. But after myriad diaries crying wolf, claiming that this was the evidence to seal the deal, well, it got old. Then it got counterproductive, then it got embarrassing.


Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »