Trial lawyers and Democrats.

Today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch has a ridiculous editorial on the matter of trial lawyers and Democrats. The brief piece concludes that “the trial lawyer/Democratic marriage [is] perhaps heading to splitsville.” Wow — that would be a huge blow, both to Democrats and to the legal system. On what grounds have they come to the conclusion that this might happen?

Virginia Democrats may not think so much of trial lawyers now. Earlier this month the Republican Party of Virginia settled the notorious eavesdropping suit with the Democrats for 750 grand. Certain sources say each of the 33 plaintiffs will receive $11,000. Their lawyers should clear approximately $400,000.

Ah. So because the state party entered into a contractual relationship with a law firm, which resulted in a substantial payment to that law firm, as was established at the outset, that’s the end of the symbiotic relationship between Democrats and trial lawyers?

I can’t tell if the RTD is kidding or not. But I’d like to propose that Republicans are on the verge of ending their practice of advertising their candidates. Those ad firms are really expensive, you know.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »