The arms race is on. Again.

Party like it’s 1963! First, this:

Administration moves ahead on nuclear `bunker busters’
By Dan Stober
Mercury News

Demonstrating a significant shift in America’s nuclear strategy, the Bush administration intends to produce — not just research — a thermonuclear bunker-busting bomb to destroy hardened, deeply buried targets, the Pentagon has acknowledged for the first time.

Now, unsurprisingly, this:

Putin Says Russia Working on New Nuclear Systems

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia is working on new nuclear missile systems that other powers do not have in order to protect itself against future security threats, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.

Putin, speaking to armed forces chiefs, said although international terrorism was one of Russia’s main security threats the country had also to keep its nuclear defenses in sound condition.


He said research and successful testing of new nuclear-missile systems technology was being conducted. “I am sure that in the near future weapons will appear … which other nuclear powers do not and will not possess.”


“We will continue to consistently and successively build up the armed forces in general and its nuclear component,” he said.

Russia’s latest nuclear innovation was a test launch in February of a missile designed to outwit Washington’s planned $50 billion missile shield.

“It flies as a ballistic missile warhead in space, but when it penetrates the atmosphere it begins flying like a cruise missile,” [Russian military analyst Alexander] Golts said.

He said it made the American anti-missile plans more or less useless.

President Bush is behaving in a way that is staggeringly reckless. There can be no doubt that he has made the United States much less safe in his tenure. Four years from now, it will be amazing if we have not had another war. If today’s news is any indicator, it could be a war far worse than Afghanistan or Iraq.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »