Documenting Democracy.

Aaron Mahler, down at Sweet Briar (a fellow geek and bad-ass MAME hacker), has set up a Virginia Democrats blog. I’m not thrilled with the site name (Documenting Democracy), but as a concept, it’s long overdue. I say that because I meant to set up such a site a year ago, and I still haven’t gotten around to it — I have too much on my plate to be running any more sites right now. It’s just getting started up, but with the involvement of Laura Bland (Democratic Communications Director for the state party), I figure it’ll turn out just fine.

Like all blogs, it’s only useful when read, linked to, and commented on, so I’ll keep an eye on the site and use it for cues regarding what’s going on with the state party and what to write about myself. Lord knows I’ve got plenty to say.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »