All good things must.

Yesterday I got back from my two-week vacation. I spent a few days in Charlottesville, then took a week at the beach (Corolla, NC) with my family. Here’s Ida in full beach regalia, as held by Trish, my sister in-law.

Ida in sunglasses and a hat.

Upon returning from the beach, the festivities surrounding Noah and Amanda’s wedding began, which ran from Thursday night until Saturday night. Here’s the wedding party:

The bride, groom, and their cast and crew.

I’m not really that freakishly tall — Patrick (right of me) is slouching while I’m standing ramrod straight. And Mark (far left) and Bruce (far right) just aren’t particularly tall guys. Here’s a somewhat more flattering photo, of me and Amber:

Amber and Waldo.

The wedding amounted to a reunion of us Free Union alternaschoolers, who had descended on Madison County from the four corners of the earth, with everybody having come from or being on their way to some remarkable adventure involving malaria, learning basket weaving from indigenous tribes, or resettling refugees in war-torn Africa.

Sunday morning, Amber and I slept in, recovering from the exhausting day of the wedding, and I headed back here to Blacksburg that afternoon to start classes today. The town is quite a bit nicer in the summer. The parking lot behind my apartment, rather than being full at all times, is 75% empty. The streets are quiet and clean, the campus is relaxed, and my classes are… Well, that’s the topic of another blog entry for another time.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »