China situation is stupid.

I don’t get this hostage situation in China. (That’s not true. I’ve debated lots of conspiracy theories and such, but let’s pretend that I don’t get it.) For one, the press seems totally unwilling to acknowledge that this is a hostage situation. I’m yet to hear the word “hostage” on NPR or read it in Salon, much to my surprise. Yet, plainly, our 24 soldiers are hostages. Screw the plane — that’s a lost cause. Bush is being such a weenie; he’s failing this test, and miserably. Over and over, he’s said "gosh, China, please give us our people back." "Hey, China, we’ll get upset and then our relationship could become strained." "We’re not sorry, but, hey, could we have them back?"

There are two solutions to this problem. The first is to bite our collective tongue and say "It’s our fault, we’re sorry, give us our men back, please." China gets to make us look humble. They’re happy, we get our men back. The second solution is to say "Remember that ‘accidental’ embassy bombing? Well, we’ll be having another accident every 24 hours until we get our men back."

Somewhat out of character, I support the latter solution. Anyhow, maybe in a few weeks, my opinion will appear common, obvious, and the term "hostage" will be standard. I certainly hope so. For now, though, I’m yet to see this perspective offered up by any facet of the press, mainstream or otherwise.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »