New glasses.

I got some new glasses last night. They’re more than I was ever aware that one could spend for glasses, short of encrusting them with jewels, but my glasses place was just so convincing. They’re Calvin Klein frames (I eschew name-brands in general, but they just look so nice) with these super-light lenses that keep out UV and stuff. (I asked, wittily, if I could get some that filter out UVa, too.)

Anyhow, they’re really little. I feel a bit silly, to be honest. My field of vision is small. I’m getting used to it, but I’ve been all stumbly and goofy this morning because of them.

Here’s the worst part: I had to get new glasses because I broke my old ones in my sleep. About two weeks ago, I woke up and remembered that I’d dreamed that I’d broken my glasses. On my nightstand were my glasses, the frame snapped and one lens popped out. I’ve often wished for my dreams to come true, but this?

If you see me, tell me what you think of my spanky new specs. Be honest. This is for posterity, you know.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »