E&P: Roanoke Times “does it right.”

Editor & Publisher recently named The Roanoke Times as one of the “10 [Newspapers] That Do It Right” from among all of the daily and weekly papers in the state. They specifically cite the Times website as the major source of innovation at the paper. Truly, they have the best website of any media outlet in the state. Circulation is up 2.5% from last year — they must be doing something right.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “E&P: Roanoke Times “does it right.””

  1. The Roanoke Times is an absolute joy, and one of the few things I miss about living in Roanoke. And they’re using their website in ways that expand beyond their audience. Recently when they were hiring for an executive editor, they created an entire website where each staff member got to create a video testimonial for what they wanted in their prospective new bosses. Even though I’m not qualified for that kind of a position, I watched a good chunk of it because it was entertaining, and told me a lot about the paper.

  2. The Times’ circulation increase serves as further proof that, whenever Bill O’Reilly publicly boycotts something, whatever it is that he’s boycotting is sure to prosper. Now if only I could get him to boycott my blog…

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