Has Kilgore stopped trying?

From yesterday’s Washington Times:

Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), yesterday said Democrat Timothy M. Kaine was the only candidate to complete the group’s survey on gun issues.

Republican Jerry W. Kilgore, who has the backing of the National Rifle Association, did not submit the survey, nor did independent candidate H. Russell Potts Jr.

“We don’t have enough information to endorse anybody,” Mr. Van Cleave said.

Amazing. I don’t know if Kilgore simply assumed that he’d get the endorsement, or if he had some reason to believe that he certainly wouldn’t get it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “Has Kilgore stopped trying?”

  1. I still can’t see why anyone would vote for Bolling after this:

    Lt. Governor candidate Bill “Gutter” Bolling, was an official at the Reciprocal Group, also known as “the Enron of the insurance industry.” Amazingly, Bolling claims to have no memory whatsoever of any wrongdoing at the company, which — according to an investigative report in the Washington Examiner, went bankrupt in 2003 “with $770 million in unpaid claims.” It is also worth pointing out that Reciprocal’s top executives were found guilty of Enron-like fraud,” and that the company’s collapse “financially devastated thousands of doctors and lawyers as well as many hospitals across the country that relied on it for their malpractice insurance.” And THIS guy wants to be Lt. Governor of Virginia? What a team: Mr. Eavesdropping Scandal (Kilgore) and Mr. “Enron of the Insurance Industry” (Bolling). Impressive!


  2. I can’t shake this feeling that things are going a little too well and Kilgore & Co. are secretly planning some Karl Rovian stunt to steal this election at the 11th hour.

  3. Because I am now a card-carrying member of the NRA (following their endorsement of Creigh Deeds), I cannot help but feel a certain warmth towards the VCDL. They seem a little wacky and fringe to a lot of people, but the fight that they are putting up for the 2nd amendmend is akin to the fight that the ACLU puts up in favor of free speech. Sometimes you have to defend some things that look a little crazy in order to protect a broader right that most Americans agree is essential. God bless them both. The slippery slope and what-not.

    Tim Kaine is the only one who would give my bretheren the time of day? So be it. He’s getting my gun-toting vote.

  4. re: that new Kilgore TV ad –Very clever way to use a Kilgore voice in the ad, but not Jerry’s. Terry’s got the same accent (I love the accent), but minus the effeminate quality.

  5. not to keep throwing raisinkaine links onto here, but Lowell posted a pretty interesting follow up:

    VCDL Fires Back at Kilogre: http://www.raisingkaine.com/947

    Tim Kaine stepped up to the podium. Now the question is will Jerry Kilgore and Russ Potts be no-shows or are they going to help us make an informed decision come November 8th?

  6. It’s interesting to watch Kilgore haters continually put the “effiminate” label on him, especially considering how the same people would be screaming “HOMOPHOBE” if it were a Democrat.

    And as for the “I still can’t see why anyone would vote for Bolling” remark… that entire straw man has been thoroughly debunked by everyone who knows anything at all about it. Look it up for yourself. Then again, you’ve probably already seen all the evidence, but Lowell’s propaganda is obviously more appealing to you, so that’s understandable.

  7. I.Publius,

    Yeah. But that observation doesn’t make Jerry Kilgore any less weak and effeminate.

    I suspect that there would be less criticism if he was out of the closet. Being gay and effeminate is socially acceptable in this day and age. We have a place in society for that now. The openly gay man can be tolerated and respected. But the heterosexual man who fits the limp-wrist stereotype is a different story. There’s no room in the big, bad world for a straight man who’s a weak little sissy. A man like that is pitied at best. And we always look down at those who we pity. How many people are going to vote for a weak little sissy that nobody respects?

    Good God, what were you people thinking nominating this guy? There’s plenty of real political talent in the VA GOP that would be polling at 55% right now.

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