Bob Marshall on the dangers of abortion.

Registered scientician Bob Marshall, in the Potomac News:

Additionally, he said abortions are more dangerous now than they have been in the past.

“In Virginia abortions are now performed in a more unsafe fashion than when abortion was illegal,” he said.

“Abortion doctors don’t have to have a dime’s worth of insurance. They don’t have to have hospital admissions policies. They don’t have to live in Virginia,” Marshall said.

This man takes Making Shit Up™ to a whole new level.

It’s particularly disappointing that the Potomac News published this quote as fact, without doing the few minutes research that would be necessary to point out that death rates from abortions plummeted after it was legalized, or that there’s not an OB/GYN in the state that’s working without medical malpractice coverage. I’m certainly not one to complain about the big, evil “MSM,” but I know poor journalistic practice when I see it, and this is it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

11 replies on “Bob Marshall on the dangers of abortion.”

  1. “Abortion doctors don’t have to have a dime’s worth of insurance.”

    If he’s talking about a statutory requirement that they have insurance, he’s right. But, neither are brain surgeons required to have insurance. And, neither are heart surgeons required to have insurance. And, you know what? No physicians are required to have insurance. And lawyers aren’t required to have insurance. And architects aren’t required to have insurance.

    Doctors and other professionals and all sorts of individuals buy insurance because they want to protect their assets from suits. Not because the Nanny State promoted by Bob Marshall (only, of course, when it promotes his narrow agenda) requires insurance.

    Marshall might be more effective in promoting the health of women and their unborn children if he turned his attention to the traffic gridlock in his part of Virginia, so women could make it to the hospital to give birth without getting stuck in a traffic jam.

  2. “In Virginia abortions are now performed in a more unsafe fashion than when abortion was illegal,” he said.

    Given a choice between a bent wire coat-hanger in my own hands, and a sterilized vacuum aspirator in the hands of a physician, I would take the vacuum aspirator. Apparently, Delegate Marshall would prefer that Virginia women reach for the coat-hanger.

  3. Shouldn’t we require psychological evaluations before we put candidates in office?
    Just a thought.

  4. This guy’s not only relentless, but also morally impoverished in the truthtelling arena. He’s also obsessed with women’s bodies. He and his buddy Del. Cosgrove just can’t get enough of tampering with women’s personal lives. They’d be a joke it if weren’t so damned serious. If it weren’t for Virginia Sentry and other efforts to get the truth out, these chuckleheads would have inserted themselves even more into our lives. As was told on Democracy for Virginia’s site, the Cosgrove plan was to require women who miscarry to file a police report within 12 hours of miscarrying. Since about 1/4 of all pregnancies resuslt in miscarriage, imagine the women who’d be placed into the criminal justice system as if they’d done anything wrong! That suggestion was worse than pre-Roe. You can read about this at http://www.democracyforvirginia. Maura Keaney did some great work revealing what Cosgrove was up to and even ended up on ABC’s Nightline because of her efforts. I blogged a story about it as well (Title: Narrow Escape”).

  5. And fortunately, Cosgrove ultimately withdrew the bill. Too bad he didn’t have any sense beforehand.

  6. I was at the debate the night of the 22nd, and heard Delegate Marshall say these offensive falsehoods. The amazing thing was that these were not even the most surprising things Delegate Bob said… He also claimed that the G.I. Bill was nothing but a school voucher, which very nearly caused an altercation with dozens of veterans who happened to be in the room. His challenger, Bruce Roemmelt, asked him about stem cell research, and Delegate Marshall surprised us again by citing all kinds of phoney science to rant and rave about the alleged benefits of using adult stem cells instead of infant stem cells.

    We already new the delegate was raving mad about an unnecessary state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage (it’s already illegal folks, why amend the constitution!?), and we already knew he was raving wonkers about taking away a woman’s choice and even against using birth control to prevent pregnancy, but I was shocked when he compared school vouchers to the G.I. Bill and said he wanted to replace public education with private schools and his raving about adult stem cells versus embrionic stems cells.

    Please, please let us follow Josh’s excellent advice and require “psychological evaluations before we put candidates in office” – or perhaps we need to check out the voters more thoroughly…. sigh.

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