Did Kilgore’s guy attack a Kaine staffer?

I hear from somebody I trust that George Allen’s “hardest-working aide” and regional representative, Tucker Watkins, assaulted a Kaine staffer at the Cantaloupe Festival down in Halifax today. Watkins is said to have been there working with the Kaine campaign, and to have gotten upset that a Kaine staffer wouldn’t take down a sign. This led to him shoving a Kaine staffer out of anger. Worse still, Kilgore was present and was either too petrified or pleased to do anything.

I wasn’t there. I don’t know Tucker Watkins. I’m in no position to authenticate this.

It’s tempting, of course, to declare that this means that the Kilgore campaign is “melting down,” with Kilgore clearly having no control over his own campaign, and tempers are flaring due to Kilgore’s performance at last Saturday’s debate. (As more people hear the audio of the debate, it’s become clearer that there’s a reason why Kilgore demanded a blackout of video coverage and a bar on use of audio or video on the part of the Kaine campaign — because his performance was an embarrassment, and if more people saw it, his numbers would sag.) It’s likewise tempting to conclude that Kilgore doesn’t have a chance in November. But that would be a lot of bullshit, because it would be conjecture based on more conjecture, and I don’t go for that.

But I still want to know if a Kilgore/Allen staffer shoved a Kaine staffer at the Cantaloupe Festival today. And — if I may start a rumor of my own — I want to know if it’s true that Kilgore slapped Kaine’s staffer with one of his white gloves and said that he “demands satisfaction.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Did Kilgore’s guy attack a Kaine staffer?”

  1. If this rumor is true, Tucker Atkins should be released from his current position. That sort of behavior is unacceptable and unbecoming of a campaign staffer.

    If not, I hope that this “somebody” gets some better resources.

  2. Here is the same thing I posted over at RK regarding this assault.

    “Lowell, Sorry about the length of this comment, but you were looking for an eyewitness, and I was the breaking news as it happened.

    Kaine Staffer??!! The “yelling female” is me, and I am a volunteer. As hard as it may be for Kilgore people to understand, there are dedicated Democrats who believe in Tim Kaine in the Southside of Virginia. Get used to it, there are a lot more of us, and we vote.

    Realstory, get your facts straight. The Kaine crew arrived around 2:30, sorry we didn’t show up at noon to eat fried chicken with all of you (especially since the festival didn’t begin until 4, so we in fact were early and you, in fact, lied). Your presence was hard to ignore, with your bright orange shirts, preparing for the candidate to arrive, and eagerly hoping to pad your own resume like others you accuse of being “resume padding campaign monkeys.” By the way, Democrats don’t only vote, we read your nasty whisper campaign blog posts, too.

    Here’s what happened after all your little sticker chicks in heels and micro miniskirts accosted festivalgoers in the heat (they were very “Simple Life-esque” to use a favorite Kilgore supporter slur):

    Mr. Kilgore arrived, and in polite Southern fashion, we stood to greet him with our 4×8 “Kaine for Governor” sign. I heard that’s what ya’ll did at the Unity Rally in Williamsburg to Governor Warner and Tim Kaine, so we thought we’d try it for a change. For the record, yep, I yelled. As Kilgore supporters used wood-backed signs to push the middle of our 4×8, I asked them loudly to quit pushing my sign. This is because, when 2 people hold a sign of that size above their head, balance can be easily compromised. Sorry if your photo-op was, too.

    I also shrieked as a staffer for Senator Allen, later identified by his cousin as Tucker Watkins, accosted the gentleman on the other end of the sign. He lurched toward each of us in turn, and I placed my hand on his arm in hopes he would leave my fellow Kaine supporter alone. The Kilgore and Bolling-sticker-clad-Allen staffer then raised his voice, called us “classless” and continued to move about to drive us away from the photos a professional photographer was shooting of Kilgore and a Washington Post reporter. The man was threatening, he hollered in my face, and shoved my fellow Kaine supporter. Mr. Watkins wandered in and out of the gate several times, and though I did not see him with alcohol, one could easily presume by his behavior he was in some sort of drug altered mindset at the “free beer for $30″ event. I only wish I had the gall to enter an event without paying for a ticket, then perhaps I could have enjoyed whatever he was having.

    A fifty year old man tried to intimidate me from the ground I had permission to stand on, with a sign he didn’t like. Unfortunately for Mr. Watkins, he is not a student of Southern manners, he does not know how to politely address his opponents, nor does he know how GROSSLY INAPPROPRIATE it is to accost a young lady. It’s good for him my daddy and my uncle were in North Carolina fishing today, because had they been within 20 miles of me during this attack, Mr. Watkins would have frog popper up his derriere. And he is CERTAINLY lucky my sweet Southern beau was not nearby, because it would have been quickly declared hunting season on his hide. I was slightly ashamed for the 101st Airborne today, as their moniker and name were tarnished by Mr. Watkins, who wore their symbols upon his haughty crown. Again, a typical Kilgore campaign move, as they disrespectfully politicized the national D-Day Memorial by dispensing their signs on sacred ground on July 4th. Mr. Watkins insulted my youth today, but even I can tell you how utterly inappropriate it is to politicize the national struggle and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform.

    He had the gall to assume I was unaware of my freedom of expression, and assume that I had no right to stand there because he didn’t agree with me. It was a clear illustration of what the Kilgore Campaign truly wants in Virginia, to see only Mr. Kilgore on the political landscape and to silence those who do not fall into line with him. Mr. Watkins had nothing to say for himself when his cousin later told him how ashamed his family was of his behavior. Anyone would be upset that Mr. Kilgore did not ask him to back off, especially since everyone within a hundred yards saw Mr. Watkins’ intimidation tactics. I use the term “tactics” loosely, the man is known regionally by people, including his family, as a run of the mill bully and like most bullies, a coward. As Mr. Kilgore was within arm’s reach of the Mr. Watkins, I don’t think it would be out of the question for Virginia’s former chief law enforcement official to come to the aid of this young Southern lady, and tap his creepy clutch on the shoulder to diffuse his verbal and physical aggression.

    Yep, we slid our sign right into the crowd, and lots of people in orange shirts bobbled about in the hot sun today. Mr. Watkins pointedly continued his harrassing behavior until a listless Deputy Sheriff warned the Kilgore goons the next person to shove someone would find themself facing charges. Though when we later asked him what was required to file an assault report, the officer refused to advise us or complete the paperwork. But Mr. Kilgore wouldn’t know about all that, he fled the Cantaloupe festival after a short visit with real people because of the rain. Perhaps he feared it would muss his starched orange shirt or perfectly coiffed hair-do. Perhaps it was because Mr. Kilgore can only follow a script handed to him by and aide and lacks the critical thinking skills or personal awareness to react to his environment as it may change and challenge him. This wasn’t a press conference or out of state debate, and outside a cookie-cutter environment Mr. Kilgore consistently fails to lead. He just smiles at reporters, glides along light in his loafers and rambles to local news outlets about summer fruit and vegetable festivals.

    After this “incident,” I hope people can see what kind of campaign Jerry Kilgore presents and will see how threatened they are by 5 volunteers with a few yard signs. This is Jerry Kilgore as a leader, with 20 strong at his flanks, his “leadership” was quickly deflated by 2 people and hunk of red, white and blue plastic. I ask only that the people of Southside Virginia denounce this kind of nastiness, and choose a better man, who will defend the basic rights of ALL Virginians as Governor, Tim Kaine.”

  3. Well, this last comment hardly makes me any more of a fan of the Kaine campaign either. After describing the arguement, it sounds like nothing more than mudslinging. Kaine Vol, I’m sorry that some Kilgore campaigners acted so immaturely and nothing excuses their behavior, but the comments from this post otherwise are just slimy attacks.

  4. I heard the re-telling of this event at the Bedford City/County Democratic Picnic and it sounds like things got completely out of control and that the Halifax/ South Boston police were unprepared for a confrontational incident at the lazy ‘Lope’ Festival.

    It is completely IN CHARACTER for Republicans to be astounded that Democrats have the audacity to actually show up at a rural event and when DEMS do show the PUBS act childishly. This behavior is well ducumented on the National level by BUSH supporters and staffers preventing ANY and ALL dissent at any BUSH appearance.
    So much for free speech! The sliminess oozes from the PUBS!!

  5. How I know the alleged victim above is not a Southern Queen.

    True Southerners do not need to imply that their Daddy, Uncle, or Boyfriend of the Week can kick inflict bodily damage. Had any of these men, and the alleged victim, had an ounce of class this wouldn’t be blog fodder, but handled as men face to face. Most likely it would be resolved with words in a respectful manner, with the understanding that physical restraint was in play. That is how we do things, with honor between the impacted parties.

    This little girl does nothing but show her ignorance and poor taste with her personal attacks, assumptions about alcohol, and threats of violence.

    If Tucker, or any other member of the Kilgore staff, did anything wrong, handle it with some dignity. Meet with the person and discuss it. If one is deserved, an apology will be issued. If it is a misunderstanding, both sides can present the way they see things, and get on with their lives.

    Perhaps this is a good opportunity for Daddy to show his little girl a thing about being a Southerner. How we handle our differences is what distinguishes us from Trash.

  6. Lets see what the self desribed “young lady’ says above.

    1. She and the Kaine crew arrived late. Anyone knows you need to prepare more than an hour and a half ahead. To then try to malign fried chicken shows she goes after any target.

    2.Southern ladies do not yell at people repeatedly, which she proudly admits she did. Maybe there is a new definitaion of southern lady.

    3.She admits pushing the Kilgore volunteers from behind which also included a kilgore volunteer lady in her eighties. Is that what a young southern lady does ?

    4. She admits grabbing Mr. Watkins, when she rudely grabbed him initiating contact that she had no legal right to do. She without checking, accuses Mr. Watkins of going in the event without paying for a ticket. She also wrongly accuses this decorated veteran of being under the influence and of being a coward. This self desrcibed lady can not be such with the way she acted at the festival and with this rant. How low will this Kaine person stoop ? She admits she pushed over the elderly and the infirm to get her way, yells at people, grabs decorated veterans and accuses them of theft. If I were Kaine, I would not want her anywhere else.

    Young she is, southern she may be, lady she is not.

    Tim Kaine is better than this.

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