Deeds and McDonnell debate.

Democrat Creigh Deeds (my state senator) and Republican Bob McDonnell (target of Virginia Family Values) held their first debate today, just a few days after the Tuesday primary, and Creigh did great, naturally. McDonnell said that he thinks that government should reign supreme over family (citing the Terri Schiavo case), that he opposes human embryonic stem cell research, and that he favors amending the U.S. Constitution to prohibit sam-sex marriage. He also complained, weirdly, that Creigh isn’t liberal enough, and, pathetically, that Creigh is stealing his ideas.

If today’s debate is a sign of the campaign to come, I feel mighty good about Creigh. He’s got $505,000 to McDonnell’s $56,000. Creigh’s a centrist, and McDonnell is both way to the right and a hypocrite. (Witness his comments on sex, in which he said that people shouldn’t be allowed to serve in public office if they’ve engaged in oral sex, but “couldn’t recall” if he’d ever done so himself.)

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has the story.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Deeds and McDonnell debate.”

  1. Hey Waldo, I linkedto this piece at Kos. My analysis is quite similar to yours (and I got the specific fundraising numbers here instead of clicking over to VPAP…I’m lazy and I believe you) but I wrote most of it before reading what you’ve got here (which is great). I also used the RTD piece.

  2. I was greatly impressed with Creigh at the two fundraisers at which I saw him, one in Arlington and one at Don Beyer’s house. And any candidate who has a mule named Harry S Truman has got to be a good guy!!

  3. Thanks for the link, SamAm. :)

    any candidate who has a mule named Harry S Truman has got to be a good guy!!

    I’m so glad you pointed that out, Ken — I totally forget to mention that when I’m telling people about Creigh. :)

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