Scalpers say the darnedest things.

From: Waldo Jaquith
Date: Wed Sep 3, 2003
To: Jon Doe
Subject: Re: []: Other: Advertising redirect wont work for our needs. Alternatives?

Dear Jon,

On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, Jon Doe wrote:
> We would love to advertise on your site however I’ve noticed the $1 per
> 10,000 Ads program has a redirect on the link. Our tracking software can
> only track our traffic from your site if you provide a direct link to
> our site. So here’s the question: Is there any way we can get a small
> text link, on your index page alone, that links directly to the URL we
> submit? If so, how much would it cost per month? Please respond as soon
> as possible. Keep in mind we would prefer advertising on your index page
> alone and we must have a direct link.

Given the choice between running an ad for you — a scalper — and
drinking a tall, warm glass of bull piss…well, I’d have to think about
it for a good long while.

Waldo Jaquith

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »