Try the Atom feed. It’s

For those who read this blog via a newsreader, rather than a browser, and you’re lamenting the loss of paragraph returns and in-post links, try switching from the RSS feed to the Atom feed or the RSS2 feed. For whatever reason, WordPress v1.5 (the software that runs my blog), to which I upgraded a couple of weeks ago, makes RSS feeds lame, and Atom/RSS2 feeds CDATA-encoded, which is to say not lame.

I could fix this with 2 minutes of work, but when I upgrade to the next release of WordPress in an hour or a month, I’ll have to remember to fix it again. And, inevitably, I won’t remember, so why not go with the flow?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Try the Atom feed. It’s”

  1. I think I’m using the RSS2 feed, as I get tasty links in my newsreader. It seems like a solution to the dilemma would be to commit changes back to the project, provided that they agree that the fix is worthwhile.

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