Thomas Garrett is now representing himself.

Writes Hawes Spencer at The Hook: Daleville attorney James Creekmore is no longer representing the Buckingham publicist/author/chicken farmer who’s suing the Hook and two of its reporters for $10.7 million. A Buckingham judge signed an April 14 order that allows Creekmore to withdraw as Tommy Lightfoot Garrett’s legal counsel. For those keeping track, I’ve gone …

Public Citizen, the VA ACLU, and the TJ Center are representing me.

There’s lots of great news on the topic of my subpoena. The first is that three legal groups have all swooped in to save me (and from myself: Public Citizen, the ACLU of Virginia, and the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression. Paul Levy, Rebecca Glenberg, and Josh Wheeler—from each organization, …

“Motion to Compel” in Garrett subpoena

In response to my Motion to Quash, the complainant’s attorney sent back a Motion to Compel yesterday, which is basically their response to my arguments as to why I shouldn’t have to comply with the subpoena. There are two bits about the Motion to Compel that are noteworthy. The first is the claim that bloggers …

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press joins in the subpoena fray.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has picked up the story of my subpoena, characterizing it as “sweepingly broad.” I have to admit that I’d never heard of the group before, but they’re quite an impressive group. Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Tim Russert, and Judy Woodruff all sit on the board. They run …

Motion to Quash in Garrett v. Better Publications.

Today I submitted a Motion to Quash the subpoena issued to me in Thomas L. Garrett, Jr. v. Better Publications, LLC. It took a couple of weeks of legal research to learn how to quash a subpoena, to study the subpoena to look for legal flaws, and then to manage to write this three-page document. …

Harvard’s CMLP has got my back.

Harvard’s Citizen Media Law Project, a part of the Berkman Center, is my new best friend: In perhaps the most blatant misuse of the subpoena power we’ve seen since the subpoena served on Kathleen Seidel of Neurodiversity last March, a lawyer for Thomas Garrett of Virginia has served a patently overbroad subpoena on blogger Waldo …

I got subpoenaed.

I got subpoenaed. An area fabulist got nailed by the local weekly for trading on an invented story of his life. I wrote about it on my blog about Charlottesville, siding with the weekly, since the guy’s clearly been living a lie. Presumably as a form of intimidation, the guy’s subpoenaed me, and the subpoena …