A tired, happier McCain in these final days.

Elizabeth Bumiller’s profile of Mccain in the waning days of his campaign in the Times is well worth reading. She’s gotten an impressive level of access to the campaign, and it really humanizes McCain at a time when he badly needs it. Mostly, I came away thinking of McCain as an old man who is …

A steady hand: Why voters are breaking for Obama.

Over at the Times, Stanley Fish offers a deft narrative of how the Barack Obama has managed to create and maintain such a solid lead: The McCain campaign huffs and puffs and jumps from charge to charge: Obama consorts with terrorists; he’s a socialist; he’s a communist; he is un-American; he’s not one of us; …

Kilgore’s tracker running McCain’s VA campaign.

Mike Shear and Amy Gardner write in the Post: [S]ome of Virginia’s longtime operatives said they do not think McCain’s turnout operation is strong enough. They say his campaign is being run by young people who have little experience with statewide campaigns in the Old Dominion. The state director for McCain’s campaign was a junior …

McCain has invited “Joe the Plumber” to join him on the campaign trail.

The McCain campaign has devolved into self-parody. We’re all living this, so I can’t imagine many of us have the perspective to see how utterly bizarre this is. But I’m imagining trying to explain this to teenagers a decade from now, and it’s just so stupid that I can’t see doing it while keeping a …

McCain’s vetting process fails him again.

“Joe the Plumber”—the guy whose potential vote McCain tried to make emblematic last night over the issue of paying taxes—is a) not a licensed plumber b) not registered to vote is presumably guilty of registration fraud (by the prevailing Republican logic) and c) being sued by Ohio for not paying his taxes.

Meanwhile, here in the reality-based community…

The McCain/Palin campaign held a rally in Virginia Beach yesterday. They claimed 25,000 attendees. Awkwardly, it turns out the building only holds 16,000. More awkwardly still, the fire marshall says there were only 12,000. Facts be damned, Gerry Scimeca wrote in the RPV’s newsletter this afternoon: For Virginians looking forward to the right kind of …